Archive for February, 2008

Fit vs. predictive power of statistical models

Friday, February 29th, 2008

I had an interesting conversation yesterday with INSTAAR post-doc and statistical modeling whiz Chris Randin. We were discussing the relative importance of model fit and model predictive power in multivariate statistical models. Basically, I was arguing that we should optimize our models for predictive power and not for fit, especially ...


Carex systematics

Monday, February 18th, 2008

About a year ago, my friend Duke Austin pointed out that there was a citation on Wikipedia of a class paper I had written on the systematics of the genus Carex (the sedges). Duke was probably Google-stalking me because it's pretty unlikely that he was just browsing plant genera on ...

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My advisor from Berkeley, Carla D’Antonio, visits CU

Sunday, February 10th, 2008

This week, I was very excited to have my undergraduate advisor, Dr. Carla D'Antonio, visit CU and speak in our weekly colloquium series. It was great to watch Carla interact with all of my friends and colleagues here at CU because she is so friendly and so are we! I ...

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Biogeochemistry Reading Group – Steve Brown

Monday, February 4th, 2008

Although we have not met since spring '07, one of my favorite experiences as a graduate student at CU has been helping to organize and participate in the Biogeochemistry Reading Group. The idea of the group was to bring together students interested in biogeochemistry at CU and have them meet ...


My new science blog

Saturday, February 2nd, 2008

A debate ensued over the name of this blog. My girlfriend Jackie argued that "Anthony's Science Blog" is uncreative and that I am missing an opportunity to flaunt my cleverness. But I am afraid that whatever I choose might sound like an annoying bumper sticker ("Visualize Whirled Peas"; "Dog is ...

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