Archive for March, 2012

Spring has begun in Toledo

Monday, March 26th, 2012

  It's been an early spring here in Toledo and indeed throughout the Eastern United States. In Washington DC, the cherry blossoms peaked on March 20, one of the earlier recorded dates.     NPR even ran a fun story about phenology, the study of the timing of biological events like plant flowering dates. This Magnolia is right ...

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Cool trend: the video abstract

Friday, March 9th, 2012

Here's my friend Jennie McLaren's video abstract for her presentation at the International Polar Year conference: Here's one about Arctic ground squirrels by another Toolik friend, Michael Sheriff: And there are a bunch more in the IPY channel. These videos have been viewed dozens of times, which doesn't sound like a lot, ...

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Documentary: If a Tree Falls

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

Last weekend, I enjoyed watching If a Tree Falls, a documentary about a group of arsonists in the Earth Liberation Front. The film was both educational and a fascinating story. It illuminates some important aspects to environmental activism in the 1990s and early 2000s and the filmmakers do a great job of ...


Blowing snow in the alpine

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Here are some fun videos of blowing snow on Niwot Ridge from a couple of days ago. Winds can top 120 mph up there. Blowing snow is an important physical process that shapes ecosystem function in the alpine tundra. Here's a figure from a good overview of alpine ecosystems:   The mesotopographic model developed ...

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