Archive for May, 2008
Thursday, May 29th, 2008
The Science paper I wrote about on May 16 created a mini press blitz. Here are some of the articles:
The Economist. Getting in The Economist is a big step for the nitrogen story, because The Economist has just the type of quantitative, policy-oriented audience that needs to be convinced of ...
Monday, May 26th, 2008
On March 6, 2007, Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. visited the Biogeochemistry Reading Group and talked to us about the interface between science and policy. Roger was a CU student as an undergraduate and is now a professor here. Back in the day, he worked at NCAR as a FORTRAN programmer ...
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Friday, May 16th, 2008
Today in the journal Science, a review article was published about human modification to the global nitrogen cycle. If you want to know about the environmental issues surrounding nitrogen and don't mind a rigorous technical report, this is the best yet. You can read the abstract here and you ...
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