My new science blog
February 2, 2008 – 5:22 pmA debate ensued over the name of this blog. My girlfriend Jackie argued that “Anthony’s Science Blog” is uncreative and that I am missing an opportunity to flaunt my cleverness. But I am afraid that whatever I choose might sound like an annoying bumper sticker (“Visualize Whirled Peas”; “Dog is co-pilot” etc.). That would be just dumb. So, please feel free to suggest names for the blog. Until then, it’s plain and simple: Anthony’s Science Blog.
This blog will be a place for me to share scientific ideas and notes and discuss scientific issues. I want to see whether writing things down in a public forum will help me clarify my thinking and generate new ideas. I’m planning to keep it casual though, so don’t expect to have your mind blown regularly. If you want that, go to 3 Quarks Daily or Edge.
I am primarily interested in ecology, especially global change and biogeochemistry. I am currently working on a graduate thesis that investigates spatial heterogeneity in terrestrial nitrogen cycling. In the past I’ve done projects on parasitoid dispersal rates, moth diversity on the island of Moorea, and sagebrush invasion in Sierra Nevada meadows. Any of these topics and of course much more may come up in this blog! Other exciting and likely themes include stable isotopes, the periodic table, statistics using R, and scientific graphics. This could rule.
Thanks for reading.
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