AGU 2012: Snowmelt project meeting

December 8, 2012 – 6:15 pm

Our snowmelt project group met on Wednesday to summarize our final year of field data and make plans for putting together our three years of results from the experiment. We have lots of data and had a good discussion about how to package it to best convey our main results. Below is the effect of our snowmelt acceleration treatment on the timing of melt over the three years of our project.


We decided that we want to write a mix of papers that focus on single data sets and papers that combine data sets from the different aspects of the project. Some of the data sets are complex and unique, seeming to warrant their own papers while others may be better brought to light in the context of the whole experiment.

One of the challenges of combining data sets from different aspects of the project is that field data sets can be idiosyncratic, with only the data collectors having total understanding of all of the nuances. We had a nice discussion about how to make accurate conclusions when melding the different project parts. I’m greatly looking forward to this integration of data since I’ve been so focused on this project for the last three years.

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