Nitrogen in the news

May 29, 2008 – 11:35 am

The Science paper I wrote about on May 16 created a mini press blitz. Here are some of the articles:

The Economist. Getting in The Economist is a big step for the nitrogen story, because The Economist has just the type of quantitative, policy-oriented audience that needs to be convinced of the problem.

Discovery Channel News

Science Daily



The Telegraph

And in other blogs…

Grist Magazine

Wired Blogs

So, mostly sciency sources so far, but a few more high profile papers and discoveries could send nitrogen over the tipping point.

  1. 2 Responses to “Nitrogen in the news”

  2. Woohoo! Let’s hear it for the big N – or at least the important coverage it’s getting.

    By Jaclyn on Jun 1, 2008

  3. Update: Nitrogen in the New York Times. Not exactly front page news, but again the journalists are getting educated and slowly picking this up. No signs on whether it will become bigger. As the article mentions, nitrogen had a nice cameo at the Beijing olympics when it fouled sailing waters.

    By Anthony on Sep 9, 2008

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