Last day of 2011 field work

September 6, 2011 – 10:59 pm

Over the last couple days, we packed up our instruments and grabbed some final samples. We enjoyed a fitting end for the season today with the first snowfall of the fast approaching arctic winter. We roll out of Toolik on Thursday. Here are some photos of two of our plots (May 3 – Sep 5; click for larger images). We achieved a snowmelt acceleration of two weeks this year.

Snowmelt accelerated using black fabric:


You can see the ice and light snow from this morning in the last picture. The ‘open top chambers’ elevate temperature by a few degrees, giving us crossed snowmelt acceleration and warming treatments.

  1. 2 Responses to “Last day of 2011 field work”

  2. Awesome! Any interesting results yet??

    By Jeanette on Sep 7, 2011

  3. Haven’t seen most of the data from this year, but there are definitely some early season differences in the timing of plant growth and soil nutrients. I’ll be excited to put together all of our different data sets from this year to see if we can make sense of them together!

    By Anthony on Sep 7, 2011

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