HE DARROUZET-NARDI FAMILY HAS HARVESTED A hulking ten foot high, five foot in diameter Montery Pine (Pinus radiata) to adorn our living room this Christmas season (see above). I am relaxing in Half Moon Bay after completing my first semester as a graduate student. I have a few pictures from Colorado and a few pictures from backpacking in the Trinity Wilderness.
During this holiday, I am planning for the near future. Next semester, I am going to finish and submit all of my manuscripts that are in preparation and develop a solid framework for my graduate thesis, including a plan for next summer's fieldwork. Other possible projects include finding somewhere to play trumpet, rejoining toastmasters, working on an organic farm, planting a garden at my house, building a hot tub, improving my skillz in plant taxonomy, pumping iron, and adding a comprehensive science section to this site. Most importantly, I want to meet new and interesting people in Boulder! It's exciting that I barely know the place.
anthony at darrouzet-nardi dot net