Comments on: How big should I make my soil cores? Tue, 25 Mar 2008 22:35:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brian Seok Thu, 13 Mar 2008 04:08:59 +0000 “On one level, this kind of research is really boring. It’s unsatisfying because it is research on how to do research and thus is not immediately applicable to anything anyone cares about.”

Oh I disagree. Why? Because my work is fundamentally about how to do research (that is, how to do properly snow trace gas sampling) and I think it is good stuff. It would get me a Nobel prize nor will I be readily recognized in the science community, but it is work like these that move the experimental part of science forward. (I forget what these types of science were called. I read it in an 1970s essay about the philosophy of science. Bummer.) Now, if I can properly present my findings, I can rack up lots of citations points! OK, that’s not really what I should be aiming for, but anyway… This soil core size project would be a superb project for an undergraduate who is serious about getting into research/academia. Is there a grant that can be written up to support an undergrad to do this in the summer (ugh, or winter–I prefer winter, yeah)? I wish I thought of this… Again, you are brilliant! Now figure this problem out so that I can apply it to my crude soil study I will have to do at my field site in Michigan this summer.

Again my statistical knowledge is that of a bear, so I’ve been ignorant about the issues of heterogeneity, significance of # of sample, and such. This posting has made me question my own experiments.

By: Anthony Wed, 12 Mar 2008 16:19:21 +0000 Jaclyn! This is a family friendly blog.

Actually, wait – no family would sit down and read this blog. Also, I suppose I don’t have the reputation to oppose such salacious comments.

But do let me know when you are ready to start your own less wholesome blog that I imagine will feature such questionable content…

By: Jaclyn Tue, 11 Mar 2008 04:12:33 +0000 You know, some would say it’s not the size that matters – it’s how you USE it. Uh, the soil core, that is.
